It's been almost two years since my last submission to Newgrounds. And that is do to various reasons. A few of those reasons include: School, Laziness, Life in General, Friends, and Laziness. Being lazy is no fun, though, so i've decided to start messing around with Flash again. Unlike last time, I will only upload the absolute final products of what i've created. I won't upload any half-finished games like it appears I have before. From now on, only expect the best from me.
(Which isn't actually that good, i'm horrible at designing in flash. Well, horrible at designing in general, actually. My flash skills are also not the best, due to lack of practice.)
However, after all the helpful criticism I know i'll receive from all of you guys, i'll know what to add in future games
Thanks for taking time to read this. Expect to see better Games and maybe even Animations eventually.
(You'll likely see games before animations because I am truly horrible at designing on the computer. If I were to hand-draw it, it would be a different story.)
nice to see you back in action
Hopefully I won't become lazy and stop this time.